The Leadership Academy’s professional learning series for teacher leaders and assistant principals focuses on helping them deepen their leadership skills, particularly in instruction, while receiving real-time feedback and the opportunity to practice situational problem-solving. The series can be designed for your context. The first day typically focuses on school leadership skills such as instructional leadership, data analysis, providing actionable feedback, and leading for high achievement. We work with our partners to determine the focus areas based on the specific needs of their teacher leaders and/or assistant principals. A second day often takes participants on a facilitated learning walk at a district school where they observe classroom instruction and debrief with the host leader. The learning walks are intended to establish a normed, focused, and consistent approach to classroom observation and help calibrate the practice of the participants as instructional leaders. In addition to the formal sessions, each participant takes on a Leading School Change Project for which leaders put their learning to practice by leading a school improvement project intended to have a positive impact on student learning. These projects will be large enough in scope to allow teacher leaders and/or assistant principals to encounter resistance, practice onboarding and organizing a team, and build the capacity of team members, but realistic enough to allow specific goals to be accomplished. This robust professional learning program usually follows the course of a school year, but can be modified and adapted to fit existing professional development program structures.