Developing Leadership Coaching Skills

Leadership coaches make us better versions of ourselves. They provide perspective, help us see aspects of ourselves we might not be aware of or want to see, and motivate and support us to do our work more effectively.  A strong ...

Coaching for Culturally Responsive Leadership

Leadership coaching helps education leaders take on adaptive challenges that require shifts in mindset and behavior and keeps leaders in their jobs longer and making progress. The most impactful coaches help school and system leaders identify and address inequities in ...

Culturally Responsive New Principal Institute

New principals face a unique set of challenges in their earliest years in the role.  Assimilating to a new school environment while acting as instructional leader, strategist, problem-solver, visionary, and change-maker results in a steep learning curve for new school ...

Scaling Culturally Responsive Instructional Practices

Creating learning environments for students that reflect the diversity of their cultural and life experiences is central to their ability to be successful as learners. When education leaders are culturally responsive, they help foster classroom spaces where students experience academic ...

Facilitated Leadership Team Retreats

District-level education leaders face an ever-expanding set of challenges in their roles and require opportunities for pause and reflection.  To enact meaningful change, leaders must step back from their normal routines and re-center themselves in building community and strengthening critical ...

Centering Professional Learning on High-Quality Instructional Materials

High-quality instructional materials (HQIM) help students to meet their highest potential and learn how to collaborate, investigate, and solve complex problems. As more districts shift to HQIM, teachers need access to effective professional development that best prepares them to successfully ...

Principals of Color Collective

When students see educators who look like them, they do better in school – their attendance improves, disciplinary incidents drop, and they learn more and are more likely to graduate in four years.  But too few young people of color ...

Customized Professional Learning

Context is essential for effective culturally responsive leadership. That’s why we customize professional learning experiences for school and school system leaders and their teams to help build both individual and system-wide capacity. Culturally responsive work is not one-size-fits-all. We therefore begin by working with your team to help ...

Strategic Equity Plan Development and Implementation

To move the needle on educational equity in schools, system leadership must develop clearly articulated and actionable equity-focused strategic plans with ambitious goals and innovative solutions to accomplish those goals. Using our Equity at Work strategic planning guide as a ...

Equity Audit

The Leadership Academy’s equity audit process enables school systems to diagnose the current state of equity (including examining the impact of COVID-19) and identify focal points and recommended strategies for making improvements.   Our equity audit process is unique and effective ...

Observing Culturally Responsive Instruction

To develop and maintain culturally responsive classrooms, school and district leaders must build their capacity to evaluate classroom instruction through a culturally responsive lens and provide actionable feedback based on classroom observation. Observing Culturally Responsive Instruction enables school and district ...

Aspiring Principals Program

The Leadership Academy’s flagship, research- and standards-based Aspiring Principals Program is a national model for building leadership pipelines. To help aspiring leaders develop the skills they need to be effective principals who foster educational equity, the program takes an experiential learning approach, with a ...

Sharpening Your Equity Lens: A Professional Learning Series for School and District Leaders

A workshop series with four days of flexible content delivered in your district or system that builds the capacity of district/network and school leaders to identify, confront and address the inequities in our schools.   The foundation for this program is ...

Culturally Responsive Principal Supervision

Culturally Responsive Principal Supervision is a 9-month learning program with both in-person and virtual sessions that builds the culturally responsive leadership skills of new and experienced district leaders who supervise and support principals. When you join this program, you join ...

School Leader Coaching

We have coached more than 2,100 principals in New York, Rhode Island, Iowa, Pennsylvania, and Nevada. Our experienced coaches provide in-person and virtual coaching that supports principal performance and leadership growth for school leaders at different stages, including early-career principals, ...

Executive Coaching

COVID-19 has created multiple challenges for school system leaders. On a professional level, leaders are working to serve students differently and under widely varied circumstances, while simultaneously planning for a return to school that holds new challenges like widened learning ...

New Principal Institute

An intensive 3-day workshop delivered in your district or system where new and early career principals develop a 90-day entry plan that enables them to hit the ground running when school starts. Principals participating in the New Principal Institute will: ...

Leading Professional Learning That Sticks

If you want your team members to become better teachers, principals, or district leaders, they need professional learning experiences that will stick and enable them to truly shift their practice. Facilitating that kind of learning means moving away from the ...

Leadership Coaching Program Development

“I would not have stayed in my job and made the progress I’ve made if not for my coach.” School leaders have told us time and again that having a skilled leadership coach as a non-evaluative thought partner has strengthened ...

Building Transformational School Leadership Teams

School turnaround is a complex process that requires strong leadership and effective teamwork. Our Leading School-Level Change program is designed to build the capacity of school and system-level leadership to galvanize and lead teams in support of school transformation. The ...

Central Office Capacity Building

School leaders have a much better chance of successfully creating equitable outcomes for students if they have the support of a school system’s leaders and central office staff. We have seen firsthand that building the capacity of a system’s core ...

Professional Learning for Teacher Leaders and Assistant Principals

The Leadership Academy’s professional learning series for teacher leaders and assistant principals focuses on helping them deepen their leadership skills, particularly in instruction, while receiving real-time feedback and the opportunity to practice situational problem-solving.  The series can be designed for ...

School System Equity Self-Assessment

Our free self-assessment tool provides a framework for school and district leaders to evaluate the state of equity in their school system and to identify and prioritize areas for improvement. The assessment focuses both on school and system leadership (collectively) ...

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