Moving Equity Work Forward: A 100-Day Plan is designed to help equity officers accelerate partnerships across the school district and details the 100-day journey to building stronger relationships and creating lasting impact. Whether a new equity officer seeking a strong foundation or a more experienced leader looking to sharpen their skills, equity leaders can leverage these strategic initiatives and action-oriented steps at days 30, 60, 100, and beyond.

Every student of every background should feel valued, respected, empowered, and academically challenged. The equity officer role is central to realizing that vision and championing an educational ecosystem that is safe, inclusive, and equitable for all students. Yet this work cannot be done in isolation. Promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion is not effective when it occurs in a silo. It requires ongoing collaboration across various departments, with champions across the school district, something that far too many equity officers sometimes find challenging to create and sustain. 

Moving Equity Work Forward: A 100-Day Plan supports equity officers in centering these needs by helping them to:

  • Establish a strong DEI framework, engage with key partners, and lay the groundwork for transformational progress
  • Translate their vision into tangible initiatives as they develop key components of their plan, working alongside various departments to leverage collaboration 
  • Learn to lead with conviction, embrace feedback, and drive their vision forward
  • Focus on long-term strategic planning, leveraging data, community engagement, and maintaining a sustainability mindset

The goal is to set equity officers on a path to success for greater collaboration with individuals and across departments, increasing the likelihood that progress is sustained. Recognizing that each school district is uniquely positioned, we’ve designed this plan with flexibility and encourage equity officers to tailor their approach to align with their district’s needs and the starting point of their educational community.

Access and download Moving Equity Work Forward: A 100-Day Plan by filling out the form below!