From Alaska to Alabama, California to Connecticut, and Minnesota to Massachusetts, NYC Leadership Academy partners with districts, state agencies, universities and other nonprofit organizations to build and strengthen local programs that develop and support outstanding school leaders. We are excited to begin work in our 25th state – Ohio – where we will be helping Cleveland Metropolitan Schools build their school leadership pipeline and launch an aspiring principals program.
This summer, our National Consulting work took members of our team to:
•Delaware, where our partnership with Innovative Schools is entering its 4th year. The Delaware Leadership Academy, a program modeled on our Aspiring Principals Program, began training its third cohort of aspiring principals who are preparing to lead underperforming schools around the state.
•Rhode Island. As part of our work to help design and implement Rhode Island’s new Academy for Transformative Leadership, we developed and delivered a summer institute for school leadership teams from persistently low-achieving schools. We also trained a second cohort of aspiring school leaders.
•Massachusetts, where in partnership with Teachers21, we trained a second cohort of aspiring school leaders who are preparing to turn around failing schools.
•Minnesota, where we supported Minneapolis Public Schools’ first summer intensive training as part of their new Aspiring Principals Program, which we have helped them design and launch.
•New York State, where we worked alongside a district team from Greece Central Schools to co-deliver two weeks of leadership training for district and school leaders.
•North Carolina. As part of a new collaboration between Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, we co-designed a summer intensive for aspiring high school principals.