NYCLA’s signature trainings for school leadership coaches have been scheduled for this year in New York City.

Designed to help school leadership coaches develop their skills in our powerful Facilitative, Competency-Based (FCB) coaching approach, this two-part series of workshops develops coaches’ skills to support the growth of school leaders. Experienced NYCLA coach practitioners will guide participants in building their ability to foster trusting professional relationships with principals; help principals reflect on targeted leadership behaviors, practices and school challenges; and support principals in developing the clear action steps necessary to accelerate school transformation and student achievement. Participants will work with our Leadership Performance Planning Worksheet© (LPPW), a tool designed to help early-career school leaders improve student progress through effective instructional leadership. Developed by NYCLA in consultation with The Wallace Foundation and the state education departments of Delaware, Missouri and Kentucky, the LPPW reflects a thorough review and synthesis of principal leadership standards used nationally; it is currently being updated to reflect the changes in the new Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL). 

FCB I will take place May 23-24 and Sept 12-13, and FCB II on Nov 14-15. Coaches may attend either of the scheduled FCB I trainings in preparation for FCB II, or only attend FCB I this year. Please note the May training will reflect the ISLLC standards and the fall trainings will be updated to align with PSEL. 

Contact us for further information on tuition, local lodging options, and registration. An early-bird discount is available to districts sending more than one coach that register for the fall trainings prior to June 15. Each 1.5-day workshop takes place at NYCLA’s headquarters in Long Island City, with easy access to midtown Manhattan.
